For this tutorial, we will be developing with the:
We will be working in the Plugin Perspective of the IDE.
If you are new to Eclipse, then you can download an Eclipse package and install it on your computer. In this tutorial, we will be developing with Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers. For development, the latest release ( currently Luna) should be good.
Unzip the downloaded package to a location of your choosing (e.g.
C:\Program Files\ Eclipse\Luna\Chaupal) and run (on Windows )
eclipse.exe. The Eclipse IDE should open for you to work with.
Follow the guidelines of the wizard and select a workspace
on a location of your choosing. This is where you will be developing
your projects. In a few minutes you should be up and running! You now
have a bare-bones development environment to work with.
It is recommended to download the most recent updates for the IDE. For
WindowsTM users, you'll have to (re-) start the IDE with
Administrator rights and select:
Help -> Check for Updates
Run the wizard and restart Eclipse.
In order to unleash Chaupal, you will need to add Chaupal functionality to your IDE. You can do this by adding the latest release of the Chaupal jp2p-ui update site to your IDE. Select Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites and then 'Add' a 'New Site'. Enter a general text (e.g Chaupal) and then include the URL to the most current release of jp2p-ui (e.g: . Then press 'OK' to get back to the IDE.
Next we need to install the bundles. Go to Help -> Install new software and select (work with) the update site you just made. If all went well, you should be able to select the 'Chaupal JP2P' option. Select this and follow the guidelines of the wizard. Restart Eclipse and wait for the IDE to come up again.
We are almost done! Create a new RCP plugin project by following the
next steps: