2. Architecture
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2: The JP2P Container

2.1. The JP2P container

It may seem  from the previous that the JP2P container is a very complicated bit of code, like the J2EE containers, but actually the container is very simple; it is little more than a collection of JP2P components, which implement the net.jp2p.IJp2pComponent interface. In fact, the container itself implements this interface!  JP2P components come in three flavours:

  1. Component: the simplest instance, which is basically a wrapper around a POJO
  2. ComponentNode: as above, but which can have child nodes
  3. JP2P Service: a stateful node that can be started, stopped and paused.

Take for instance a Component node that wraps the NetworkManager of JXTATM.You may be tempted to think that this is implemented as a JP2P service-because in JXTATM we use the Network Manager to start and stop the network, but it actually is divided over three distinct JP2P components:

  • The NetworkManager component node
  • The NetworkConfigurator child node
  • The Netpeergroup service, which actually starts and stops the network

When you start the RDV template project, you will see these services appear in the JP2P navigator.

As a result, the JP2P container is therefore not a linear transformation of JXTATM functionality, but in general it should not be too difficult to see the relationship between them.

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